





i live in the borderlands,
between reality and imagination,
just this side of fantasy.

reality is okay.
i visit there
to check my mail,
earn a few dollars,
pay some bills,
buy groceries.


reality is an okay place to visit
but, i wouldn’t want to live there.

i’m happiest in my mind
where I filter my thoughts
like an answering machine.
i delete the negative,
dwell on the positive.

people may see me walking alone.
they don’t see the beautiful woman
at my side
with her hand in mine.

i may be seen sitting at a table, alone.
nobody sees the delicate hand,
with the magic fingers,
sliding up my thigh.

or, the passionate kiss
being planted on my throat,
the fingers running through my hair.

where i work
people see me smile.
they think I enjoy my job.
they don’t know me.



Sample my books for free — To date, $1945.00 has been donated to the homeless:

Gotta Find a Home: Conversations with Street People
http://buff.ly/1SGzGCY ($2.99 Download)
http://buff.ly/1qLHptc ($.299 Download)
https://buff.ly/2lUfp6Q ($.99 Download)
https://buff.ly/2Gkoyxj ($2.99 Download)

They Call Me Red:
https://buff.ly/2GJSDsG ($2.96 Download)



451 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi Dennis, great to meet you here!


  2. Ella-marie Wells said:

    Hello Dennis 😊 You met my partner and our little daughter a year ago today at the Royal Bromton Hospitial in London.
    You gave her a card ( To Jolly Jasmyn)
    I just wanted to let you know that’s she is well and came through her operation without any complications.
    Thank you so much for the card ans your Kind word
    They were really needed that night

    Ella and Stephen



  3. Carol Willis said:

    Hello Dennis. I was puting someting a way and poking out of a jug was a card. What’s that! It was from you. Love never ends. On it you wrote a poem for my friend Ben and I (Carol) we met in St James park on the 10th 5th 2016. Many thanks for stopping and saying hello and for our poem. Om Shanti.


  4. Popular penny bus driver 20/10/15 said:

    Just came across a card you gave to me 20/10/15 sadly thought I had lost it but was delighted and grinned like a Cheshire Cat when I read it again gave me the same happy feeling THANKYOU Dennis from popular penny (607driver)☺️🙏🏾Bless you


  5. Hello there!

    My name is Andrew Butcher, I used to post regularly on my blog called ‘You Never Know What You’re Going to Get Here’ on WordPress.com.

    I am sending you this message because at one time or another you have expressed very kind interest in my blog by following it (for which I very much thank you!), and I’d just like to let you know, (simply in case you’d be interested), I now have a different blog on my own website!

    Some of my more recent, and likely final, posts on my WordPress blog, expressed that I was hoping to both try and be self employed, and release an anthology of some sort of my work. I have managed to make that happen! There was difficulty, but I now have an anthology out entitled ‘A Leap of Faith’, of 36 different poetic pieces. Some of them you may have read before and already expressed interest in, others you will not have seen as they were previously unpublished works.

    If you’d still like to follow my work, my new blog, or would like to check out the anthology and learn more about what I do, you can find me on my new website thewordsy-smith.com.

    Thank you so much for your interest, and for taking the time to read this,

    Take care,

    Andrew Butcher.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I stumbled onto your blog and dig your writing. I look forward to following.


  7. ruchitaa. said:

    Cheerio. Thank You for stopping by my blog and following. Here’s an imaginary cookie for ya. Have a great day/night. 🙂


  8. Thank you very much or sharing this about page
    I’m happy to discovber your blog and follow it
    I you have time, I invite you to visit mine too and follow for free


  9. Hello,

    I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award.

    If yours is an award free blog please feel free to do nothing.

    Accept this nomination as an expression of my appreciation for
    your blog.

    Rob Goldstein


  10. Your blog has beautiful writing. I’m humbled that such a great writer would follow my blog. Thank you!


  11. looking forward to browsing your writings, love that last line, ha…
    thanks -J


  12. Thank you for choosing to follow my blog. May you know the Lord Jesus more and grow closer to Him each day as He pours out many blessings on you.


  13. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. You are an amazing writer. I love the poems I’ve seen so far. Keep up the good work.
    Best wishes!
    B.T.W. Why don’t you have the reblog option? *Just curious.


  14. Thank you very kindly for following my blog, and I hope you find a blessing there.


  15. meineDwenie said:

    I really adore your writing. Even the ABOUT, it’s poetic. Thank you for liking one of my posts. I am looking forward to mingle with your words. 🙂


  16. Thanks for visiting and following The Way It Is. Enjoying your work and will be back again. All best wishes.


  17. In all the madness that is today, it’s nice to run across those who are still in possession of a big heart and a great mind. Thank you for the follow Dennis. Reciprocation… Have yourself a wondrous day 🙂


  18. Inspired poem about a rough sleeper. Thanks for visiting Anecdotage! 🙂


  19. Great blog,such beautiful writing. Thanks for following mine 🙂


  20. You have some outstanding work on your blog, really amazing.


  21. Thanks for stopping in, checking out the site, and for the follow on both my blogs! Sorry about the late follow up as Christmas is just utterly chaotic at times, especially in the church world.

    Love what I have read on your site thus far. I think I’ll hang out a bit longer :).

    Be blessed!


  22. Merry Hearts Medicine said:

    Thanks for liking my post with my neighbor’s poem about her garden of kindness.

    Thanks, also, for following my blog! I hope if you can find the time that you will stop by my page called “Reasons to Smile” and leave a comment. It’s a list of things people are thankful for, just to encourage each other. I’d love to hear your thoughts!


  23. Your work is beautiful. Thank you for following my blog!


  24. Hi, Dennis. Thanks for following my blog. I’m looking forward to exploring yours.


  25. Nice work😁
    Thank you for the LIKES on my blog.
    Have a nice day.


  26. Thank you so much for following my blog!


  27. evasreadings said:

    Hello Dennis, Lovely poems, very heartfelt.
    Your interpretation on reality is fantastic! To be in your mind where your imagination is, is just wonderful. I think, our reality is created from our imagination, it is where it starts, then we see it. Who knows, that’s only my take on it.
    Thank you for the blog follow and page likes Dennis.
    Happy Wednesday.
    Keep writing your beautiful poetry and sharing it with all to read. The internet is a perfect platform for it.
    Wishing you all of the best. Eva


  28. Thank you so much for following my WordPress- http://www.artofdrem.wordpress.com
    and for liking I Had a Fleece as White as Snow. That poem was very hard to upload. Living with it, processing it, and trying to heal from domestic violence is tough physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Thank you for supporting my work and my voice.


  29. Thanks for the follow! Hope the book is doing well!


  30. mydeardiary9 said:

    Thank you so much for liking my blog. It gave me a chance to read and like some of your beautiful poems! I’ll be following you too 🙂


  31. Thank you for the like and follow on my blog where I post my photos and muster up the courage to write a bit.

    Your poetry is beautiful. I’ll be following your blog in a moment…


  32. missagathaarmstrong said:

    Mr Cardiff, reality is not for me either. I love the way you write and I shall very much lòok foward to getting to know you


  33. DragonHart2000 said:

    thank you so much for following my blog. i really love your work


  34. I understand. I’m glad you liked my post, so that I could find out about your existence.


  35. Very deep posts you have, thumbs up 👍👍👍


  36. It honors me when real talents like my blog. I look forward to more encounter and learning with you as we journey through this land


  37. Thank you for liking my blog. I ask each of my students daily “What made you smile today?” Today I can say the introduction of your blog. I am sending you a virtual high-five for the work you are doing. I will have to add your book to my ever growing reading list. If you get some free time I think you would enjoy the book The Mole People: Life in the Tunnels Beneath New York City by Jennifer Toth.


  38. I finishes reading this with a smile on my face without realizing it. Thank you. 🙂


  39. This made me smile.


  40. Hi Dennis,
    Thank you for visiting my blog. I’m reading yours too 🙂


  41. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking a post. Your blog is beautifully inspirational. I visited the place with curiosity, and I left the place with a smile. I will visit here more often.


  42. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking a post. Your About section and poems are so intriguing and instantly capture one’s attention. Easy to read and yet so deep with meaning. Keep writing!


  43. pinkflamingo said:

    Thank you for following my blog and liking my poem “Sometimes”. I really liked your creation “Wild Rose”.


  44. Hi, Dennis! Thank you for liking one of my posts and following my blog. It’s much appreciated. Best wishes to you. 🙂


  45. Thank you for the recent follow and I look forward to exploring your blog and reading new posts. I enjoy thought provoking poetry and you most definitely write that! Hello new friend!


  46. Thanks for visiting https://wanderingofwords.wordpress.com/
    Loved your blog. Keep up the good work! 🙂


  47. Hi,
    I nominate you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Carry forward the folklore, and happy blogging. All the best! 😉



  48. TropicalMary said:

    Thanks so much for the follow 🙂


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