Down and Out Blues

I walk the empty, rain soaked streets.
Footsteps echo against brick walls
formidable as a prison.
There’s no escape from loneliness
devouring my soul from within —
an endless cinema of despair.

Locked within this kaleidoscope,
distorted images from my past
haunt daydreams, nightmares;
there’s no room for reality.
Players in my mind pull the strings;
dance this mournful marionette.

I follow the cooling evening breeze
with no purpose or destination.
Feet lead me in a trance.
Mindfulness blocks my thoughts,
(destroyers of my self-esteem)
momentarily, held at bay.

Life, a never-ending battle,
one foot in front of the other,
seconds follow tedious seconds,
breaths counted entering and leaving,
heart beats it’s pounding rhythm
I walk these empty, rain soaked blues.



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